The family

The family

Friday, March 11, 2016

Well, I was hoping for a different update, however, again, our journey needed a few more bumps in the road.
I am currently sitting waiting to have an emergency procedure after an internal rupture due to an ectopic pregnancy.
We did not think we would end up in this situation since we had caught it early and were able to treated it via medicine to help it asorb and miss carry.
However, for some reason, the medicine dropped the numbers related to pregnancy beautifully, but yesterday (Thursday), I had such sharp pains early evening that I knew (from friends and Drs) that I needed to get to the ER.
They gave us decent results and all my tests came back great- my pregnancy levels had even dropped a lot.
Well- pain continued- they sent us home with meds and this morning I felt more bloated than ever.
Sure enough, it was internal bleeding- something had ruptured between the ER last night and my dr appointment this morning.

I am scared. Anyone with internal ruptured or bleeding should be.
Looks like worst case from all this is I loose a Fallopian tube.

Good news as many know, one less tube does not decrease your fertility much at all.
God isn't done with our journey yet.
Please pray for the procedure and safety. Pray we get some rest a d reprieve from this roller coaster. Pray for financial provision as we are still recovering from last years medical bills.
Pray for our family as we continue on the journey- even if we are giving my body a break for a bit.
Pray that my visit with the Oncologist in June (standard procedure), bears positive results to extend our time to keep trying.

Thank you for all the prayers, assistance a with our family as we go through yet another unexpected visit to the hospital.