The family

The family

Friday, October 14, 2016

Well, we were originally scheduled to have a routine biopsy in November. Due to some possible concerns, an ultra sound was done this week.
Two smaller growths which they initially call "polyps" were found in my uterus again. They would explain why we haven't concieved yet after the D&C in July.
We are awaiting a call from the oncologist to schedule another D&C to remove these "polyps" before having a healthy uterus for possible conception. Instead of the biopsy in November, we will most likely have the biopsy of the tissue from the D&C in the next week or so.
Positives: there was no apparent growth in the uterin lining. The "polyps" were smaller than the growths found in the past. These are both good signs when praying against any cancer  type growth in the uterus.

Where we are now: praying for no precancer or cancer cells in the tissue from the D&C, prayer for wisdom of the Dr. regarding next steps or options to prevent any growth in my uterus long enough to conceive, praying for peace about any results or steps we take next in this journey.

We are still also praying about the next steps and ideas for fundraising for possible adoption as well since we know the preparation itself can take a long time and a lot of finances up front. We know God may be leading our journey in that direction and we now have open hearts to his plan either biologically or through the gift of adoption.

We have come a long way and learned a lot about God and his character through this. We are still rejoicing from the amazing miracle we experienced from the last biopsy/D&C. We know God still deeply loves us and wants what is best for us and our future family even though it can be hard to grasp that in the midst of so many ups and downs and back and forth from unknowns with my health.

I hope someone can be encouraged and hopeful through our journey as they see that God is still performing miracles, is faithful and loves unlike any love. I will continue to post many many verses and encouragements from what I have been learning through this on a daily basis.  I cry, plead, rest, proclaim, praise...

Your prayers have been heard and many have been answered in forms of blessings! Thank you for you- prayer warriors!!