The family

The family

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Our last biopsy  in October was clear!! Praise the Lord.

Well, the oncologist was not expecting to see me again, but as of now, I will be going in for my routine biopsy on April 3. Praying and believing in another clear biopsy!!
We have since sought out some OBgyn guidance and have a plan with them to see if we have some options to help with a future  pregnancy.  We are taking baby steps with this part of the journey until after our CLEAR biopsy in 2 weeks.

Pray for a clear biopsy, wisdom as we are given options from obgyn, peace, and strength to get through another step. He has healed, he has done a miracle, he can do it again and we are coming boldly to him expecting beyond what we even are hoping for (clear biopsy).

Emotions are crazy (go figure with hormone imbalance), so working through each step and clinging to truth is what I have to choose despite negative pregnancy tests each month, or what I may feel with anxiety, anger, frustration. I will choose peace and truth.