The family

The family

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Well, the oncologist called with the results from my D&C procedure on Monday.

The conversation went like this...

"Well, this looks good."
What does that mean?
"You did not have much tissue in your uterus and the tissue I pulled out is very organized and looks good.  I am not sure what cancer cells we pulled out for your biopsy in June, but there are no defined cancer cells from your D&C.  You don't even need to take megace (progesterone meds I had to take last August). I will see you in 4 months for a follow-up D&C if you are not pregnant."
I told him he had no idea how many people were praying specifically for a miracle for my health and situation.  He said "Well, it worked!"


Please share this testimony of God's miraculous works through the power of prayer.  It has been a lot of heart-ache and it's been a long journey-  we are not done yet, but at least we have this amazing milestone of praise and glory!!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Wow. The power of prayer has been felt a lot this past week. I have had so many moments of peace and serenity between the roller coaster emotions. We have made it through a super tough week.

So the MRI- it was performed to show if there was masses/ large growths, or growths in my uterine lining. My lining was healthy looking from the MRI. It was not to confirm or deny the presence of cancer cells completely.
The MRI came back GReat! No masses or growths and no cancer embedded in my lining.

So now what?

I have to proceed with the DnC Monday morning at 7:30 am CT. This will give us some more clarity on the stage of the cancer cells present.

If it comes back with no abnormal cancer cells, we can proceed with the progesterone treatment for 4 months, gain 15 lbs, fight emotions like crazy- and then have another DnC and if it can  confirm no cancer growth- then proceed with trying to concieve again.
This is the process we already went through from last August-December and got clear results last time.

If it comes back with abnormal aka-ugly cancer cells, then we will have a hysterectomy wishing 2 weeks from this  Monday.

We are mentally ready, whether hard or not, to proceed with a hysterectomy, but still able to hope for complete healing.