The family

The family

Friday, February 24, 2017

It has been almost exactly 3 months on the megace medicine. It's been toughest this past month. In support of my efforts to combat the intense weight gain, I've been on the Whole30 diet. We are actually in week 7 of the diet and I will remain on it until I actually see weight loss (after the meds wear off). I have my D&C first thing in the morning on March 10. I should know results by the following Tuesday. Praying specifically that there is zero sign of any abnormal cell growth. God has healed me from th cancer cells once and I know he is the ultimate healer and can keep my body clear of any damaging cell grow. If (when) the results come back all clear, we will have a few months to try and conceive. With a high risk of another ectopic, we will wait a little longer this time to help decrease the risk of another ectopic. We are hopeful that God has allowed healing already and that Godis faithful to complete his work in our journey.  Please pray specifically for the remainder of side effects the meds are having on me to be positive and me to have strength to finish the meds strong. Pray specifically that God has healed my uterine lining and I can stop taking the meds. I will update once we know our results of the D&C.