The family

The family

Monday, November 28, 2016

Ok. We had a d&c to analyze the growth in my uterine lining last Monday. I received a call from the oncologist today. He said "Well it's good news,  it is just precancerous cells again and it wasn't much at all. So if you want another chance to conceive biologically, you can do the progesterone medicine again for 3-4 months. So I will see you again in March."

So what does this mean? It means Gods not done yet. He has given us another chance. I do not have to have a hysterectomy yet. It means that my body is doing well considering, but it still needs to be treated for the precancerous cell growth- no matter how small.

It also means I will gain weight. I know it is directly related to the medicine and that m y body won't  burn fat or calories the same way, and I will be restricted to no carbs or sugars and still gain weight. It means that we will need a lot of strong prayer warrior to help us fight an emotional and mental battle that the medicine creates. We made it through last time, we can make it through again.

Pray for wisdom after the medicine treatment to know our best/safest timeline for trying to conceive . The highest risk this medicine comes with is another ectopic. We, along with the Drs, will use my  past history and try to lower the risk of another ectopic too soon after the medicine treatment. Again, specific prayers for this wisdom.

We are praising God that we do not have to proceed with a hysterectomy just yet and although it's a tough journey, we know (from many evidences) that God is in control and giving us the stamina and wisdom through this journey.

Thank you for all the continued prayers and for the many many prayers we will be covered in these next few months.
We are at peace and praising God for this next step.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


This has been such a long journey. It's not just infertility we are faced with, it is the cancer cells in my uterus that we are fighting against. I had my 4month biopsy on Thursday. Today- Tuesday, I got a call from the oncologist. He said "Well, it's coming back. It's not much, but it is there. If the  D&C comes back clear, we don't have to have a hysterectomy. However, you will have to take the medicine again for 4months  if you don't have to have a hysterectomy."

Again I am hurting in my heart and soul. I have a lot of questions. I have a lot of defeated feelings. I am again angry on a lot of levels.

I am also clinging, clinging to one last chance that I may or may not get.

I am again at a point where I need a lot of prayer warriors to help fight. Fight against the odds. Fight against the cancer cells that keep wanting to come every few months. Fighting against the pain and temptation to give up. Fight against the mental lies. Fight against the hopelessness that I cycle in and out of.

Please pray on my behalf since I am at a point of few words.