The family

The family

Saturday, September 23, 2017

We have had six months since the last D&C. I have a radiologist ultrasound next week. Then it's on to another biopsy.  At this point I am praying for wisdom and peace as the Dr. guides us one way or another depending on the biopsy results. I had a hope that I would not be having another D&C. This is still a possibility. I am praying for a clear biopsy- something I've not had yet.
I am growing weary. It is hard to know what to do when after 2 years of this process, we are still having issues with overgrowth in my uterus.

I am waiting for God to show up in a way only he can. I feel that I've used every ounce of hope and faith. I still don't know what will happen but as soon as I'm going into surgery for a hysterectomy, I will be starting our adoption fundraiser.

I do still have hope, but you reach a point of preparing seriously for the next step and accepting God's plan- as it seems at least.

Thank you for continuing to pray specifically for healing and a clear biopsy in the next two weeks.