The family

The family

Monday, July 30, 2018

Thankful at this point, despite what seemed like an end to having another biological child, we were told by the dr that I could keep an ovary. Not something we expected to be able to do, so we are thankful! I was highly encouraged to get the genetic testing to determine my course of preventative tests at this point. The particular cancer gene they tested for, I did not have. Phew. Thankful. So, with knowing that, along with being able to keep an ovary, we decided after much research, seeking professional guidance to educate ourselves, we decided to move forward- one step at a time with surrogacy. We are about a month into the process and I have begun our part of the process with the dr. Each phase demands a financial responsibility and in the end we will have needed about $16k, if we progress smoothly. Our financial goal is much lower than the average thanks to blessings from insurance and from some dear friends here in town who have a big heart and are willing to carry a future child for us. We are applying for grants, funding, and literally taking one step at a time.
Thank you for your prayer, encouragement, and support as we continue this journey through this currently open door.
We may have never thought we’d be faced with this journey, but we would never had been able to make it this far without support and prayer. There has been light in the midst of a darker situation.  It takes a village! #brewervillage
We have our first fundraiser started. Feel free to share the link.

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