The family

The family

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I was just lying here thinking about tomorrow. Thinking about how great the process thus far has been.  I’ve had more support than I thought through this and they are excited for me and our family’s next phase of life. We are in a new phase. After many disappointments and heart aches and breaks the past several years, getting good results health wise and fertility wise  is reenergizing and uplifting. Seems as if this part wasn’t the issue (we knew that). It was just the growing chamber that was broken. :/  We are still humbled that we get to take this ivf/surro route to grow our family. We are almost broke and take each bill as one step at a time, but after spending so much $ on my health the last few years to preserve fertility,and  my health , we know money comes and money goes. God knew when he made me, I was not a quitter when facing a challenge given to me. This is my journey. God doesn’t give the same circumstances to everyone.  He has equip me for this phase. So for that- I’ve endured 2 weeks of injections, multiple appointments and blood work and now- waiting. Egg retrieval is tomorrow. We find out Friday which ones made it to embryos and then next week, which ones are strong enough to be used. My ivf nurse did not anticipate such a successful suppression cycle, but we have had amazing results- 7 or 8 to be retrieved! We also know not all of them will make it- maybe 1/2 maybe 1/4. A bit restless, but I know we have dedicated our minds to one step at a time. I know multiple people who did not make it to this step on the first attempt. I know many who have to repeat these steps multiple time to prep for egg retrieval. I don’t know what will happen, but I know we are surrounded by amazing support and prayer for each step! Those who have walked closely with us the past 4 years and are rejoicing at this phase for our family.  Thank you- you are my inspiration when I doubt, fear or want to give up.

So-we proceed to the procedure tomorrow and then we wait. Thank you for the continued prayers as we step into another level. Day by day.  I’ll try to keep up with this blog as we move towards transfer day!

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